Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Story of the Flood

Alright, I've finally gotten around to editing and revising my flood story, which was mostly written during the ordeal or in its immediate aftermath, and therefore captures the events and emotions quite accurately. I put more time into this than anything I've written thus far for this here blog. It's too long for a blog post, so I've published it via Google Docs and it's available for viewing here:

Now a brief update [spoiler alert]:
- I have moved back into my house and things are, incredibly, more or less back to normal.
- The plane tickets that I was buying when the flood hit resulted in a great trip to the Bicol region of Southern Luzon. I got to visit some friends, climb some mudflows on Mount Mayon, and most awesomely, swim with enormous whale sharks.
- My camera wasn't fixable, so I have no photographs of either the flood or the trip, although I'm trying to get some from neighbors and friends.
- I have a little over 4 months left in the Peace Corps, and this feels weird to me.


Loren said...

Wow, Craig. That's intense. I can't believe you guys were hit so hard and all we got was some rain. Intense, but nothing like your experience. Thanks for writing that - you should definitely get it published in a PC paper somewhere.

David Morgan said...

Unbelievable. I can't believe you and your family went through all that. An experience you just can't imagine. Thanks for putting everything on "paper".

Unknown said...

hey Craig - i'm really glad you and your host family members weren't hurt in the flood. i'm sorry you lost so many things... as i was reading your entries, i realized i never really knew how destructive a flood can be. but i really admire you and your host family for being able to just pick up and move on. :) take care during your remaining time!